This film tells the tale of a seventh son from a village, who is chosen by a master to fight the evil witch who will rule the land."Seventh Son" is one of the rare mediaeval fantasy film, that don't seem to be made anymore. This fantasy tale is entertaining, and Julianne Moore gives a good performance of a cold blooded witch. The story itself is not particularly interesting or engaging, and there is little thrill. The film is heavily reliant on computer generated graphics, but we have been wowed by "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" already. Hence, "Seventh Son" offers nothing new, and only offers a brainless way to kill two hours.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
If you liked Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters, Pompeii, Van Helsing, Clash & Wrath of the Titans you will like this movie!
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
A decent fantasy witch / witch hunter story. Fairly predictable plot and decent acting. The cinematography and costuming make this movie.